Everything You Need to Know About Contact Lenses Before You Purchase Them

Lenses are some of the most convenient forms of improving your vision temporarily as compared to wearing spectacles. With spectacles, you can’t wear sunglasses or roam out in the rain or even show off your eye makeup! Choosing lenses can be a very relieving technique of improving your vision in a convenient manner. If you are planning to purchase lenses for yourself for the first time, here are a few things that you need to keep in mind –

Time-based lenses

There are different lenses based on the user’s convenience right from one day disposable lenses to monthly use, 3-month use or even 6-month use lenses. Be sure to choose the one that is the most affordable for you as well as the most convenient for you as per your regular usage. This is a key feature in all lenses be it numbered for vision or even for colored lenses.

Causes headache first few times

The first few times you wear lenses, you might feel a little giddy and also get a slight headache. This is very common and nothing to be worried about because circle lenses worn for the first time have a different feel altogether. It is very important to stay indoors and not use heavy equipment or even drive the first few times you wear lenses to prevent any accidents. If you get a headache, don’t panic because your eyes are adapting to the new vision tool!

Choose the right brand

These days, there are multiple circle contact lenses brands in the brands and almost every country has multiple brands competing for the top position in the market. You need to do a thorough research on the quality of the lenses, the pricing, customer reviews as well as check with your optician for the best brand. Don’t go directly on the cheapest pricing because the cheapest pricing could be at the cost of the product quality.

Hygiene first!

You need to be very careful with washing you hands thoroughly before applying the lenses or removing them so that you don’t contaminate the lenses or the solution in the lens case. Korean circle lenses need to be stored in a clean lens case with the solution changed every single day. This prevents any contamination, bacteria or even fungal infections. Be sure to wash your lens case once every week and let it dry out before you place your lenses and solution back in the case.

Never wear lenses during eye infections

This is a very important point and should not be ignored. A lot of people wear circle lens even when they have eye infections and continue wearing the lenses throughout. This can cause the eye infection to keep spreading without getting better! Switch to your spectacles till the time your eye infection doesn’t clear out and use brand-new lenses once the eye infection is gone.

For More Information: Korean Contact Lenses


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